wooh.. finally.. pmr is oveR!
i can enjoy my life without book =)
i were very excited when after pmr..at first
but.. now feeling damn boring cuz always stay at home..
everyday just watch tv, play computer, eat and.....sleep
sien la always play com until i gonna becum 'siao' ady..

damn lazy go to skul la.. i didnt go to skul 2 days ady..teacher
didnt teach us also.. the only one purpose to make me go to skul is..
talk wif my fren lo, merayau-rayau, sleeping in library o.O ( cuz gt air conditioner ma..),
see leng lui and read book.. (ok.. the last one sure is lies one )

PMR get 8As..?
hope so..
but impossible 1 la..
haix..hope my pmr result 可以见得人 la..

Science = 35/40 (damn bad ! )
Mathematic = 38/40 (still ok lar..)
B.Cina = 35/40 (bad also..)
geografi = 50/60 (still can get A la..)
sejarah.. = erm.. get B..
BM and BI = ?/40 (cuz tis two paper sudah hilang ady..)

today nothing special la,
tell u a secret, today i 24 hours stay at my room (no bath also..) geng mou
first time leh.. havent try before..

why i want to write blog..?
the reason tat cause me write blog is..
too boring stay at home..
so i stop at here la.. no more topic to say ady..


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