- Genting trip

- 4-11-2009
- wednesday
- 120+ ppl
- 2 days 1 night
- kc me and ginson same room
erm.. i dun1 say too many crap la..
7.15a.m i reach my skul..
i assigned into team 2..
our team have.. ginson, wai ho, two wai loon, zheng nan, me and some bananas
we start our journey at 8a.m..
10.30a.m reach genting
u knw how many celsius when we reach genting o.O?
wats.. damn cold..
i cant see anything!
cuz the mist is too thick and block my sight..

did u see tat..? genting hotel,
outdoor game.. i take tis pic
from my room..

Believe it or not..

giv u a test..
first, u think a num now.. (dun tell to me)
double it..
then add 10
after tat divide by 2
lastly.. minus the num tat u think at first..
so u get the ans?
5 izzit..?
our trip is 2 days 1 night..
tat mean we have 6 meal..
but our skul just free to us lunch and breakfast only..
u knw wat is the price for a bowl of noodles..
just 13 ringgit only..
mineral water 5 ringgit..
actually nth special happen in first day..
cuz 自由活动..
i walk from 11a.m to 7 p.m..
non stop.. 8 hours
i bck to hotel about 7p.m
(three ppl 1 room normally 2 ppl 1 room, cuz kc sleep alone so me n ginson pindah to his room)
kaki saya sudah patah edi..
only i stay in the room..
dun knw wanna do wat..
cuz too sien edi.. so i decided join my sis punya group..
we woke up at 6.30am..
and prepare all the thing
after we all kao tim sai, we go eat breakfast.. (wat a crap)
we all gather in the First World lobby at 11a.m

then go to 'snow world'..
i kena 5 gal 'attack'..
lol? 1v5.. unfair..!
and my sis kena 5~7 boys attack (my dear sis =D)
i cant help also.. 自身难保~
after tat we go to the bowling centre..
we spent few hours at there..
so we miss our lunch..
we go to strawberry farm wif genting cable car..
strawberry farm very sien 1.. =)
after tat we back to skul~
5.30p.m reach skul..
6p.m reach my house..
after tis trip..
i knw tat..
nxt time i must take my camera..
feel so regret cant take any photo T.T


so detail...

Jia Ye3

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